Dear Aiden, Today is your third birthday! We can hardly believe where time has gone. It feels like just yesterday when you were still our baby we were rocking to sleep. Those first few months may have consisted of brain fog and lots of sleepless nights, but boy, has it been worth it. It’s been […]
Friends, we’re less than a week out from Christmas, and that has gotten us SO giddy! Not just because this time of the year always feels so magical, but also because we’ve got two not-so-little boys that we get to share in the holiday spirit with!!! That means Red, our Elf on the Shelf, made […]
Dear Caleb, Today, you turn FIVE, a milestone that’s bittersweet for us. You’re no longer our little toddler, but instead you’re now our little boy. One who’s crazy about learning, loves to crack jokes, and has the sweetest smile that a mom falls for and just adores. Your favorite topics to talk about are dinosaurs, […]
I arrived in Richmond, Virginia Sunday afternoon after 6+ hours of travel. It wasn’t my first time in Richmond. We previously vacationed there back in October of 2016, but this time I would be here for an entirely different reason. Three weeks prior, the biggest opportunity fell into my lap. Call it pure luck or […]